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Jessica Villareal ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



My Story

  “My Story”      Welcome, and thanks for stopping by to experience “ MY SCENTSY WORLD” If you would have told me a year ½ ago that I would have been on the ride of my life, I would have told you that you were CRAZY!!! However, no matter what you came here today interested in whether its buying this AMAZING product, hosting a party and getting FREE and ½ PRICE product, or joining and becoming your OWN BOSS and changing LIVES, rest assure I can HELP YOU ACHIEVE EITHER ONE! But, before we go any further let me tell you who I am , and how my STORY, has unfolded thus far! My name is Jessica Villareal I grew up in Dallas with my mother, father, 2 sisters and 1 brother. My mother had me at a very early age, 13 to be exact, as the oldest I have seen my mom go through so many struggles! My mother and father were married for 10 years and when I was about 11 or 12, they were getting a divorce. Growing up had lots of ups and downs, My father made some bad decisions in life and was sentenced to 10 years in prison, leaving my mother as a single parent to fin for herself in this big world with 4 young children! My mom had to find a way to do something and fast! My dad was always the bread winner, so my mom had to get to work! I saw less and less of my mom because of the long hours of working. Being the oldest child I took care of my brothers and sisters a lot. At 14 , so early in life I knew I was going to change things for myself! I always remember my mom telling me, “ Don’t make the same mistakes I made in life.” So at the age of 17 I graduated a year early and went to cosmetology school, became a hairdresser and went to work. My brother and myself have always been inseparable. He now is my business partner in what I call my day job, him and my mother! Growing up we always said we would own our own business. We always believed this and I mean we talked about it since we were 12. So at the age of 21 him and I decided we would open a salon. I was doing so well as a hairdresser and had tons of customers and he was the money and brains behind the business operations. And we did it, but it was the hardest thing I had ever done. Remember we were very young with no experience in running a business much less starting one with little to no money. Needless to say it took us a full year to open that salon since the day we signed the lease on the building to the day we hung the sign outside and opened for business.  From failed building inspections, 3 different general contractors, red flags because of plumbing or electricity, to having to move in with each other because we could not afford both of our apartments and the lease on the building. We made many sacrifices, it was a rough year, but there was one night in particular I remember that changed my life. There was 15 year old tile on the floor of the building we were leasing, and we did not have enough money to pay a professional to remove it.  We went to Home Depot and bought a tool called a mut. With a generator we broke tile of a 1,600 square foot building off piece by piece taking 4 days to finish. I remember the last night and I was mad and frustrated, because we asked some family and friends to come help. They did the opposite, “Yall are crazy! What were you thinking! is what they said. I broke down screaming, “ I’m DONE, this is crazy! I don’t know why we ever started doing this!” My brother turned and said,  “What?”  Are you serious? You are gonna quit when we are so close, if you quit they get what they want and that’s to say we failed. And you lose regardless because you quit before you even started!  Wow! Reality Check! I cried! I told him we are not stopping until we’re done! We stayed until 3 o’clock in the morning piece by piece but we did it. The next week we opened the doors for business, no one could believe it! That day was AMAZING, and shaped the rest of my life. So I did hair for another 10 years. After that my mom got into accounting, she worked at several offices and my brother and I saw an amazing opportunity for her to open her own business, so we did and for the past 7 years we have owned an income tax office. Point being DON’T EVER GIVE UP when things seem like they are never going to happen for you! You have to push and climb those mountains because if you don’t you lose and never get to experience the other side where so much can await you! You have to BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT, because if you don’t you will get just that, absolutely nothing! So we fast forward to the beginning of 2011, I was turning 30 years old in April, I have two kids now that are absolutely MY WORLD, Jiselle and Maddox who are 6 and 5. Although the income tax office is amazing money from Jan-April, I felt like I was missing something. I was not happy going to work every day! I wanted to do something I ENJOYED. So my cousin says well you know my cousin sells Scentsy. I said what is that! So I quickly found myself on Lucy Lovato’s website and saw what it was, and something in that moment just said you need to join this and just do it. I had never seen a warmer, smelled a scent, nor did I know who Lucy was. But something told me just do it. I told myself you are spending 1,000 a month on private school tuition why not try and have this pay for it. And so right then and there on April 26th, 2011 I joined! A week after my 30th birthday! With my only intentions of having something new and fun that could possibly pay for my kids tuition! But boy, was I wrong. I never would have thought I would be in for the ride of a lifetime, and have built such amazing relationships with so many people!      I jumped straight to Lead the next month, became Star the next month, and Superstar the next,  and 8 short months later BECAME A DIRECTOR in December! I have grown an AMAZING GROUP of not just team members but FAMILY! I have made friendships I never had, I have traveled more this year than I ever have! In March I was in Las Vegas on a Leadership retreat, in April I was able to attend Director Boot Camp at Scentsy Headquarters in Boise, Idaho. In June, I EARNED an all expense paid trip for the hubby and I in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic one of the most AMAZING TIMES OF MY LIFE, and in July I was back in Las Vegas for our Annual Scentsy Convention! I have experienced lives change, which are my most gratifying moments. When you see team members that didn’t think they could do this, to becoming leaders in your organization is just moving! They are stronger, more independent, grateful, more fulfilled and happy with their life, and to see them BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES is my highest accomplishment, and to know that I was just a piece of that puzzle in their life! I have grown so much as an individual, I feel more ALIVE, and GRATEFUL for what I have and who I have in my life! I am grateful for finding Scentsy when I did, because I could NOT IMAGINE MY LIFE WITHOUT MY SCENTSY IN IT! I LOVE MY JOB AND WHO I HAVE TURNED INTO SINCE I HAVE JOINED SCENTSY! So I INVITE YOU to experience all that Scentsy has to offer, so whether it be TO BUY~HOST~ OR JOIN MY AMAZING TEAM! Contact me NOW, and let me introduce you to the BIGGEST BLESSING I HAVE HAD COME INTO MY LIFE! I want to thank you for the opportunity to share my Scensty story thus far with you!   My goals with Scentsy are TOO BIG TO PUT ON A PIECE OF PAPER! Long term I know that this opportunity will give my family the FINANCIAL FREEDOM AND QUALITY OF LIFE that I want for them. I never want to miss out on any piece of my children’s future because I have to “Go to work”! And I want to help everyone else live that quality of life we deserve to live, SCENTSY CAN GIVE YOU THAT AND SO MUCH MORE! Join me along this journey, and let’s get started creating your OWN SCENTSY STORY! J   HUGS, Jessica Villareal- Independent Scentsy Family Director 469.955.5158   Find me on Pinterest Find me on Facebook Find me on Youtube And SUBSCRIBE!    <!--endbody-->

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